Juice In An Instant: 5 Juicy Recipes For Your Kids Lunchboxes

Are you looking for an easy way to whip up a nutritious and delicious juice for your kids’ lunchboxes in minutes? Look no further! I’m here to show you how I created Healthy Juice In An Instant. My Kids can attest to that!

The first step is gathering your produce – be sure to choose organic and fresh produce whenever possible. My go-to combination is carrots, celery, apples, spinach, and pineapple. Next, prepare your fruits and vegetables according to their individual instructions (e.g. peel or de-seed). You’re then ready to start juicing!

I use my Mueller Austria Ultra Juicer Machine to get the maximum amount of juice from my produce. This powerful machine has a patented vortex system that spins your fruits and vegetables at high speeds for maximum nutrient extraction. It also has a wide feed chute so you can easily juice whole fruits and veggies, as well as an easy-to-clean design for quick cleanup after juicing. I usually begin by adding the harder items like carrots into the juicer first followed by softer items like apples or oranges – this helps them break down more quickly and gives me a smoother overall result.

After juicing all of my ingredients together, I top it off with some lemon or lime juice for an extra zing. And voila! – Healthy Juice In An Instant is ready in minutes without sacrificing any nutrition or flavor.

So if your child is among the hundreds who refuse to eat healthy lunches, with these five recipes below, you can easily make nutritious and delicious juices that they’ll love. From celery-strawberry smoothies to carrot-pineapple juice, these recipes bring the best of both worlds – taste and nutrition. Plus, they’re made in minutes so you can quickly give your child a tasty and healthy alternative to boring lunchbox options. Get ready for healthier lunches with Juice In An Instant: 5 Juicy Recipes For Your Kids Lunchboxes!

1. Celery-Strawberry Smoothie

Start off their day with a twist on the classic green smoothie! This smoothie is full of fiber, calcium, and antioxidants to keep your child energized throughout the day.


1 cup of celery

1/2 cup of strawberries

1/4 cup of almond milk

honey (optional, for sweetness).


Add celery, strawberries, almond milk, and honey for sweetness into your blender and mix until well combined.

2. Carrot-Pineapple Juice

This vibrant juice is packed with vitamins A and C as well as natural sugars for an energizing pick-me-up at lunchtime. Here’s a simple recipe for Carrot-Pineapple Juice that you can whip up in minutes. All you need are three




Lemon or lime juice


  1. Begin by washing and peeling the carrots. Cut them into small chunks before adding them to your juicer.

  2. Peel and cut the pineapple into cubes and add to the juicer along with the carrots.

  3. Turn on the juicer to extract all of the nutritious juice from your produce. Once finished, add 1-2 tablespoons of fresh lemon or lime juice to give it an extra zing!

3. Green Apple–Spinach Juice

If your kids don’t like spinach on its own, this juice is a great way to sneak it in! Green apples add tartness while spinach provides plenty of nutrients. Blend the two together with some water or almond milk for an easy way to get those greens in their system.


3 green apples


lemon or lime juice


  1. Start by washing and peeling the green apples. Cut them into small chunks before adding them to your juicer.

  2. Wash the spinach and add it to the juicer along with the apples.

  3. Turn on the juice extractor to get all of the healthy nutrients from your produce. Once done, add 1-2 tablespoons of fresh lemon or lime juice for an extra zing!

4. Beet-Orange Juice

Beets are an excellent source of minerals but often neglected due to their unique flavor — combine them with oranges for a more palatable option that your kids will enjoy! The balance between sweetness and earthiness makes this drink perfect as part of a balanced meal or as an afternoon snack when hunger sets. This healthy juice is full of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants – but without any added sugar or artificial sweeteners! Give it a try today for a tasty way to give your kids their daily dose of essential nutrients in a kid-friendly drink!


Beets (use amount based on how much juice you want to produce)




  1. Start by washing and peeling the beets. Once done, cut them into small chunks before adding them to your juicer.

  2. Peel the oranges and cut them into sections. Add these to the juicer along with the beets.

  3. Turn on the juice extractor to get the fresh juice from your produce. Once finished, stir in some honey or some agave syrup if desired – this will help make it more palatable for kids!

  4. Pour over ice and enjoy!

5. Avocado-Melon Smoothie

Avocados tend to be high in fat content but also contain essential vitamins such as potassium​ and magnesium, so why not blend it up into a creamy lunchtime or after-school treat?  It’s sure to be a hit with even the pickiest eaters! This delicious smoothie is full of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.




honey or agave syrup


  1. Start by peeling and dicing the avocado before adding it to your blender.

  2. Peel and cut the melon into medium chunks, add these to the blender as well.

  3. Pour in some cold water or ice until you reach your desired thickness.

  4. Next, add 1-2 tablespoons of honey or agave syrup into the mix (if desired) to give it an extra sweetness – this will help make it more palatable for kids!

  5. Blend everything together until smooth, pour into glasses, and serve immediately!


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