Do Blenders Kill Probiotics? Learn The Facts!

Probiotics are good bacteria that are beneficial to the body. They are microorganisms that are helpful in everyone’s development while helping in the digestion of food and producing vitamins. They also destroy disease-causing cells.

Probiotics help improve or boost the immune system which is quite essential when aiming for a healthy body. Various research has shown that probiotics had been effective in preventing diseases such as antibiotic-associated diarrhea, sepsis, and periodontal diseases.

It is, therefore, no surprise that probiotics are an essential part of the diet of those who are trying to lose weight because it helps in the metabolism. Probiotics’ benefits are endless, so many people are excited to incorporate them into their diets. It is not difficult to get hold of probiotics-enriched food.

They are present and available in most local markets and supermarkets. One only had to be familiar with which food is rich in probiotics. Foods rich in probiotics need not be cooked so there is no need to make a fuss when preparing them.

Probiotics, which are usually called beneficial bacteria, provide all sorts of powerful benefits for your body and brain. It is found in yogurt, sour pickles, traditional buttermilk, soft cheese,  and other fermented foods. The only challenge for most of those who love their probiotics is that they do not want their food to be boring. It is common for food to be incorporated with other food to make it taste better.

Some would just mix the ingredients but others would prefer to go the extra mile and blend the food. Blending food makes it more exciting. Blended food can sometimes fool your kids. Kids love a smoothie and they do not have to know what is in their food. Blending the food also has dietary benefits not only for those who are on diet but for everyone.


Do Blenders Kill Probiotics?

Do Blenders Kill Probiotics

Blending food is also great especially if you are up for a smoothie or some soup — cold or hot. There is no restriction as to what you can and cannot blend. Just like cooking, other methods of processing food could decrease the vitamins and minerals. The good news is that blenders do not kill probiotics. The microorganism present in probiotics are extremely small and no blade of a blender can destroy them.

There are different kinds of blenders. Industrial blenders have strong blades that can easily blend anything that is put in it. But even the strong blades of industrial blenders would not be able to kill probiotics. In fact, the fastest speed of the blender would not be able to kill the probiotics.

At one point, eating raw food had been popular and this is because it is believed that raw food has higher vitamins and mineral content than cooked ones.

However, it had been argued later on that cooking and preserving food can help enhance certain qualities of food that are good for the health and well-being of the person. The good thing is that it is easy to incorporate probiotics-enriched food in any food — cooked, raw or blended.

It is, therefore, safe to blend probiotics-enriched food. Since blenders could not kill probiotics, the next thing you have to watch out for would be stomach acid. Not all probiotics can withstand the acid in the stomach so while it is good to incorporate them into your food, you should check the kind of probiotics you are adding to your meal.

Lactobacillus is a probiotic that can withstand stomach acid and this can be mixed along with the supplement you are adding to your food since they will act as a shield to ensure that the supplements would withstand stomach acid.

Knowing probiotics, how to get them, and which food is rich in them, is important. No need to worry about your blenders. As explained before, blenders cannot harm probiotics.

Blenders would instead be helpful to hide the supplements you are adding to your food from your children or even picky adults. Instead of worrying about which blenders would not kill probiotics, choose instead the blender that fits best in your lifestyle.

The probiotic bacteria are too small that blenders could not harm them and even chewing would not even be enough to dissolve them. With the added benefits of probiotics to our health and well-being, it would be wise to make probiotics-rich food a regular part of our blending.

Adding Ingredients to the Food We Eat

While blenders have evolved over time, the ingredients used to enhance the health benefits of food in blenders have also evolved. It is easier to add more nutrition since nutrition now comes in the form of powder. In the case of probiotics, fermented food and yogurt can be good ingredients for blending food, but adding a probiotics powder to the food could also be an option.

One thing that has to be taken note of is that when using probiotics-rich food in blending is that, probiotic-rich food can have strong flavors. These foods are mostly fermented so they can have a strong taste and strong smell. While heat can be a good way to get rid of smelly food, it is not advisable to do so as heat can kill probiotics.

Even when making soup, some fermented food is added as side dishes and they are not cooked. Some would wait for the soup to cool down before adding the fermented food and blending them. For most, do not blend the fermented vegetables at all and just add them as a topping.

The Benefit of Using a Ninja Blender to Make Soup and Smoothies

The texture is important when making smoothies and soups. That is why having a blender with a powerful blade is important. The consistency of the smoothie and the soup is always a deal breaker when considering which kind of blender to buy. Blenders and smoothies are taken mostly when someone wants to have something light to the stomach but heavy on nutrients.

The powerful blades would be beneficial when you are incorporating fermented foods into the recipe since they would barely be noticeable. This is very helpful to families with kids who are picky with the fruits and vegetables they eat. Not only are kids picky with fruits and vegetables but they are also picky with colors and the colors of the food they eat.

Kids can easily eat yogurt when incorporated with strawberries. Since a smoothie is a snack that is easy to prepare, even busy moms easily prepare it for their children without too much fuss.

For young adults or for those who are studying in college, having something that could last a long time would be helpful. You do not want the stress of what to eat. Fruits and vegetables are cheap, easily available, and easy to prepare. So having a blender in the dormitory would be helpful for the daily dose of nutrients needed for the body and mind.

Nutribullet, Smoothie, and Soup

Nutribullet is perfect for those who have small spaces but wanted to incorporate probiotics into their smoothie and soup. Nutribullet can be challenging when using it on fruits and vegetables that have different textures. Despite this, for those who are having small spaces, a Nutribullet is a good blender to use.

If you are constantly traveling, this can easily be carried around since it does not use a lot of space and is also lightweight. Even with the lightweight design, Nutribullet is good at incorporating ingredients.

How to Make Smoothies and Soups Exciting?

While blending fruits and vegetables makes it easier to digest and is easy on the stomach, having some bits in the smoothie and soup is still enjoyable. This also gives texture to the food and some added crunch.

Since smoothies are put anything and everything, you can try experimenting with the fruits and fruits that are easily available in your area. Visiting a farmer’s market would be highly advisable since you will be able to get cheaper and fresher produce.

Getting familiar with how the speed of your blender works can help you experiment not only on the texture but also on the fruits and liquids you want for the smoothie and the soup you want to make. Probiotics work wonders for your body, so getting familiar with food rich in probiotics will help you decide which one you want to be part of your recipe.

You can also look up recipes that are rich in probiotics and which of those you can make at home using your blender. Some of this probiotic-rich food could be easily picked in a local supermarket so you can also easily plan for your grocery shopping.


Blenders do not destroy probiotics. Various studies have shown that probiotics had various health benefits. Adding it to healthy food such as fruits and vegetables would have more added benefits to it. Do not be afraid to experiment with ingredients when it comes to smoothies and soups.

The healthier the food the better. If you do not like the smell of fermented food or if you are not a fan of probiotic-enriched food, you can use probiotic powder. It does not have the smell that most people dread but it has the added benefits of probiotics.

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