Do Smoothies Lose Nutrients Overnight? — Find Out Here!

Like many other foods that we prepare, we like to know that we can make enough in one go and store the rest away for later, simply because our days can be so busy that we may not have the quality time to spend in the kitchen for days. Smoothies are no different. We often wonder if we can blend and store our smoothies so we can just grab and go or do they lose nutrients overnight.

How wonderful it would be if you can make your ever-reliable nutrition-packed smoothie and just grab a bottle from your refrigerator before you run through the door each morning! After all, smoothies are so healthy and chock full of nutrients that it is a great way to kick start your day with the added vitamins, minerals, and fiber you need for the day. Unfortunately, storing your smoothies will in fact cause it to lose nutrients over time, and the longer it is stored the more nutrients will be lost.

Here we will look at how and why smoothies lose nutrients if they are stored over time, if there is a safe period that they can actually be stored, and how to store them properly.

One thing we should bear in mind when it comes to smoothies is that they do not have any added preservatives or chemicals but are just fruits and vegetables in their natural forms. That in itself will let you realize that they cannot only go bad but lose nutrients with time. This occurs due to the process of oxidation.

How Oxidation Affects Your Smoothie

Oxidation takes place when the fruits and vegetables going into your blender are split open, whether by you prior to, or during the blending process, and become exposed to oxygen.  The moment they become exposed to air is the moment they become prone to losing nutrients. However, while blending allows some nutrients to be lost it is not enough to affect the number of nutrients you consume. So once the fruit or vegetable is cut it releases enzymes that are impacted by oxygen. The oxygen causes the food to start becoming discolored. The longer they are exposed, the more discolored they become. So you will find that your fruits or vegetables start looking dark at the area that is cut and may spread over time.

Therefore, oxygen exposure causes oxidization, which means your smoothies have to be consumed as soon as possible to avoid progressive oxidation resulting in spoilage and loss of nutrients.

Can Refrigeration Stop Your Smoothie From Going Bad and Losing Nutrients?

You can refrigerate your smoothies but not for long. The recommended time is 24 hours, which is even longer than freshly blended juice that is recommended to be stored up to 12 hours before consumption. However, this will also be dependent on the fruits and vegetables used. For example, if you use bananas you will find that your smoothie may start turning darker faster. If this occurs it is best to consume it immediately or get rid of it. Bear in mind that the longer you store it the more nutrients you will lose. Refrigeration slows down the process but does not stop it. So despite being in the refrigerator it is recommended that you consume as soon as possible.

Stopping Your Smoothie From Going Bad Quickly

Citric acid is an easy to get antioxidant that will blend right in with your smoothie. So adding lemons or lime juice will help in the oxidation process as they have high amounts of citric acid. Oranges are also rich in vitamin C and will also help in keeping your smoothie longer.

When storing your smoothie you should ensure that you do so in an airtight container that will prevent oxygen from going in to cause oxidation. One trick is to fill the container to the very brim so that there is no room for trapped air. This way your smoothie can survive 24 hours without losing too many nutrients due to oxidation. Otherwise, you may want to consume it in 12 hours.

How long Can You Store Smoothie Outside The Refrigerator?

If you are one of those people who do not enjoy your smoothie as cold or maybe you are somewhere that does not allow you to store your smoothie in a refrigerator, then the recommended time for your smoothie to be stored outside the refrigerator is four hours.

If you forgot your smoothie sitting on the counter in your rush to get to work and return say nine hours later, you may still consume your smoothie, but bear in mind that you would have lost a lot of the nutrients has your smoothie sat on the counter. You may want to check the color and even smell before consuming based on what made up your bowl.

Are Smoothies Still Nutritious the Next Day?

If your smoothie was stored securely in your refrigerator based on the recommendations above then you can still consume it. A day-old smoothie is believed to still be even more nutritious than processed cereal, toast, or bread. Ensure that it still retained its color and texture before consuming since what you put in would have made a difference in the breakdown process.

Also, if you leave your smoothie overnight the ingredients would have soaked even more which means it will be easier for you to digest and easier for it to break down into your system. If you used oats and nuts, for example, these would have had time to be fully soaked. So there is in fact some good to leaving your smoothie overnight.

On the other hand, if one of your ingredients was dairy then it is best to try and consume immediately or as soon as possible as this can go bad real fast. Green smoothies are also recommended to be had immediately simply because they can change in terms of taste and texture and become less enjoyable. If you do not mind this, however, you have up to 48 hours with proper storage. If it is made of kale the consistency of the smoothie will change after a few hours to become more jelly-like. To avoid this it is best to consume shortly after blending.

How to Store Your Smoothie

The best way to store your smoothie is in a glass container with an airtight lid. As mentioned before ensure that you prevent trapping oxygen inside by filling the jar to the very brim. This will prevent oxidation since oxygen is the cause of spoilage and a breakdown of the nutrients. Ensure that the container is tightly sealed then put it in your refrigerator.

While many people may have fallen into the habit of storing their leftover smoothies in the blender pitcher this is definitely not a good idea since it is not airtight enough to keep the oxygen out and would have also trapped air inside since it is not full to the brim. Storing in your pitcher can even damage the blender seal.

In Conclusion

So, do the smoothies lose nutrients overnight?’ Yes. But while you would have lost some of the nutrients overnight it would have still retained enough for you to have an adequate amount that your body needs. It is still better than eating a bowl of cereal, a slice of toast, a donut, and a cup of coffee!

The longer your smoothie is stored the more it will lose nutrients so it is best to consume as soon as possible. However, if you must store you can do so in an airtight glass jar in the refrigerator for up to 48 hours (depending on what is in the smoothie). After that you would have lost a number of nutrients, the flavor will change and the texture would also have changed. The longest you ideally should store for is 24 to 36 hours. The benefit to consuming your smoothie after storing it overnight is that the ingredient would have broken down better for digestion. Consuming smoothies in the mornings on an empty stomach is best. Always check the color and smell of your smoothie before consuming it, as some fruits and vegetables can go bad quickly.



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