What Vegetables Are Best For Smoothies — Try ‘Em!

Not everyone loves the taste of vegetables — and we are not talking only about children, we mean adults too! So even though we know vegetables should be an essential part of our daily diet, there are some persons who do not make it part of their regular meal preparations mainly because they do not care for the taste much. However, instead of consuming vegetables in their natural state, they can be made into delicious refreshing smoothies that you are sure to enjoy!

Blended veggies add endless nutrition to your diet and even more so if you combine these with your favorite fruits. So not only can you blend vegetables on their own, but you can combine them with fruits or even add them to your choice of flavored protein shakes.

But don’t just take our word for it, try blending a combination of the vegetables mentioned below and even get creative and throw in your favorite fruits and nuts and you will be set for nutritional values for the day! We guarantee you will enjoy it. But while all vegetables are good for daily intake, and all can be made into smoothies, we decided to make it easier for you by giving you a list of the 10 best vegetables for your smoothies. Any combination of two or more will give you a wonderful blend that will titillate your taste buds!

The 10 Best Vegetables for Smoothies


1. Zucchini

Zucchinis can be found in just about any grocery store. Yet they are often overlooked by many shoppers. However, these green vegetables make a wonderful blend packed with vitamin A and are great for blending. Not only are they a great source of vitamin A but they are good for your immune system and have a large number of antioxidants. Zucchinis can be combined with any other chosen vegetables and fruits like apples, mangoes, strawberries, pineapple, or bananas and will blend right in with the other flavors as it is not overpowering in taste. Or go green and combine this with green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale and you will have a healthy green juice to boost your immune system. Zucchini in smoothies is quite mild with a taste of sweetness and comes out creamy when blended.

2. Carrots

Carrots have been one of the most popular juices blended in my home since I was a child. This is because carrots are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Like zucchinis, they are also a good source of antioxidants. It has long been established that carrots consuming carrots on a regular basis can improve the appearance of your nails, skin, and hair as the high vitamin A or beta carotene content found in this vegetable can prevent your nails from constant breakage and dryness. Therefore, carrots are a favorite when it comes to smoothies.

Carrots can certainly stand alone as a drink with a dash of ginger and is quite refreshing and nutritional, but if you are not a carrot fan, or if you want to experience a burst of flavors on your palate, then combine carrots with any of the vegetables mentioned here, example apples, pineapples, mango, passion fruits, melon and you will have a great nutritious smoothie.

3. Spinach

Spinach is rated as one of the world’s healthiest foods packed with vitamins, minerals, and a number of other essential nutrients. Spinach is very low in calories with great anti-inflammatory and antioxidant abilities. Spinach comprises carotenoid compounds that have been linked with decreasing the risk of many diseases like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, neurodegenerative conditions, and even obesity. Therefore, a glass of smoothie with spinach as one of your main ingredients is sure to do wonders for you.

This green leafy vegetable has a mild flavor that makes it easy to combine with other ingredients without masking the other flavors. You can just go green with a combination of spinach, kale, and zucchini, or you can mix it up by combining apples, berries, beets, peaches, pears, or just about any fruit of your choice. You can even add your protein powder if you workout and this will seal the deal for you! If you want to go thicker throw in a ripe banana and this goal would have been achieved.


4. Beetroots

Beetroot is yet another vegetable that is great to put into your smoothie especially if you are looking to lose some weight and keep it off. The bright purple food is great for keeping your blood pressure level down, great for the brain, and is packed with vitamin C, folate, and dietary nitrates.  It is also believed to increase energy levels. No wonder it is one of the 10 favorite choices when it comes to vegetables for smoothies.

Because of their earthy taste, beets will go well with just about any other vegetable listed here as well as sweet fruits like pineapple, strawberries, carrots, and apples. You can add a touch of ginger to make the flavors pop.

5. Kale

This leafy vegetable comes with a number of nutrients and is good for helping to keep your cholesterol level down while fighting against inflammation. Kale promotes eye health, detoxifies the body, promotes healthy skin, helps with blood clotting, has powerful antioxidant support, and helps in managing diabetes. It is also one of the best sources of vitamin K. Definitely a good reason to drink as many smoothies as possible with this vegetable as one of the main ingredients.

Because kale carries a strong flavor you should try blending this with other vegetables and fruits to have that array of favors released in your mouth. You can combine it with cucumbers, carrots, zucchinis, and beets. If you want a mixture of fruits try berries, bananas, pineapple, and apples. Add some yogurt and/almond milk and you will have a good-tasting smoothie. You can also add your favorite flavored protein powder if you work out.


6. Broccoli

While broccoli may not be the first choice when it comes to choosing vegetables for your smoothies based on the strong taste, it is definitely a great choice. Broccoli is high in fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, iron, and potassium. It also boasts more protein than most other vegetables. It is great for your tissues, your heart, and your digestion.

When it comes to smoothies throw in some sweet fruits like banana, mango, strawberry, add ginger and maybe a spoon or two of honey and you have a healthy nutritious smoothie. Again, add your protein powder if you are working out.

7. Celery

This often-overlooked vegetable is rich in nutrients. Celery is good for lowering cholesterol, helps to fight against cancer, reduces inflammation, promotes good vision, good for the digestion system, reduces high blood pressure, helps in weight loss, increases male fertility, nourishes hair, good for the treatment of cough among others. With all these benefits, who would not want to make it a daily part of their health choices?

As you may realize by now, just about any vegetable when combined can be turned into delicious and nutritious smoothies. Celery is no different. Celery has a strong flavor that many would shy away from when it comes to making smoothies. However, can blend it with other fruits and vegetables like melon, papaya, apples, berries. For thickness, you can add banana.

8. Cucumber

Cucumbers are very refreshing when enjoyed as a drink, and very nutritious when made into smoothies. They can help reduce cholesterol, stabilize blood sugar, good for the health of your skin, helps keep you hydrated, helps you stay regular, and avoid constipation. The vitamin K in cucumber helps blood clot from clotting and keeps your bones healthy. Cucumber is also good for your vision, your immune system, and your reproduction system, while also ensuring that your heart, lungs, and kidneys work properly. It even helps in preventing osteoporosis, heart disease, and some cancers.

Cucumbers give your smoothies a light, refreshing taste and can be combined with watermelon, pineapple, lime, apple, kale, and mango. If you want to go green add cucumber to your other green vegetables in the blender.


9. Squash

There are a number of different types of squash and you can use just about anyone in your smoothie —  butternut squash, acorn squash, summer squash, Yellow squash, kabocha squash, pumpkin, among others that you can find in our local grocery store! Squash boasts a number of health benefits and makes your smoothies slightly sweet, smooth, and creamy. Yellow squash can reduce the risk of heart disease, as it contains negligible fat and almost no cholesterol. Summer squash is fat-free and low in calories thus is good for weight loss.  Squash helps in the prevention of cancer, promotes healthy bones, promotes good eyesight, helps with good colon and prostate health, among other benefits. It is high in vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E and contains important minerals like magnesium, potassium, copper, calcium, and iron, and contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds.

Squash can be blended with other vegetable mention here along with peach, oranges, dates and almond butter. Add ginger and cinnamon and you will have a creamy smoothie you will enjoy.

10. Cauliflower

Many people do not realize just how nutritious cauliflowers are and the many benefits it has to offer.  It has been found to decrease the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and overall mortality. It adds to a healthy complexion while increasing one’s energy level. From a single-serve you can get 77 percent of the recommended daily value of vitamin C. You can also get vitamin K, protein, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin B6, folate, pantothenic acid, potassium, and manganese. It is also good a source of fiber.

Cauliflower has somewhat of a strong taste, however, it combines well with other veggies and fruits without overpowering them. This goes well with fruits like blueberries, strawberries, mangoes, and pineapple. Add coconut to your smoothie bowl and you have a tasty delicious meal.

Why Add Veggies To Smoothies

Adding vegetables to smoothies allows you to increase your fiber intake which in turn will improve the functions of your digestive system while also adding more antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals in one go. Adding vegetables to your smoothies reduces the intake of sugar since they do not require sweetening. For sure if you are not a fan of eating vegetables, then adding them to our smoothies will give you the required nutritional value in a tasty enjoyable manner.


You have seen some of the nutritional benefits of vegetables and now realize that eating them in their natural state is not the only way that they can be enjoyed. Please note that blending your vegetables will not destroy their nutritional values.

In fact, feel free to experiment with various flavor smoothies by adding and subtracting fruits and vegetables to your as you go along. There are also a number of recipes online that you can try. Be assured that there are no right or wrong when it comes to blending smoothies as fruits and vegetables can all be combined for a healthy meal. Combining various veggies and fruits can only succeed in enhancing the sweetness and flavor, add volume, fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, while also helping in the promotion of a healthy digestive system,  healthy skin, hair, nails, and a strong immune system.


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